Headset application environment is very diverse and do not affect themselves and others, you can almost anywhere using headphones. Outdoor headphones concern, these users generally focus on the design of headphones, noise effects, as well as the function of convenience.
The majority of outdoor headphones in addition to meet the needs of the user individuality, but also taking into account the ease of use with portable audio, integrated microphone with a wire headset is very popular with the smart phone portfolio directly out to the streets entertainment equipment. AKG Q460 headphones set a variety of features in a bright color with professional adjustment, less than a change before the series sound.
Headphones with remote control and microphone, can be the answer, hang up the phone control, while in the player can also control track playback and volume adjustment. The headphone wire can be removed to replace the same user-friendly. Headset priced at 999 yuan, is the rare good partner of the fashion of high-grade users.