
iFixit: iPhone5 will become Apple's best to repair the phone

To keep up with several generations of Apple phone compared iPhone5 screen broke, you do this by plagued compared before much less.
Ifixit website is responsible for people focus on the dismantling of the phone is to Kyle Wiens expected, the Apple iPhone 5 will be an easier maintenance new phone.

Kyle Wiens told VentureBeat website: "I think Apple will eventually focus on the real needs of the consumer."

In the iPhone5 dismantling, iFixit website iPhone4 and iPhone4s iPhone5 phone screen compared more easily removed.

"This is a smart move." Kyle Wiens said that this is because if the iPhone 5 is easier to repair, means that the hands of the user's mobile phone will be longer.

"If your car windshield is broken, you can not the whole car throw away." Kyle Wiens said.

However, this is not just a boon for consumers. IPhone, easier maintenance, and also bring a lot of convenience to give Apple repair team.

The new iPhone, can clearly reflect the the Apple repair cost. "Kyle Wiens said.

Around iPhone5 controversial issues is that it "wear and tear". To mention wear two words, we will worry about, this device will receive more scratches. The iFixit site dismantling Apple iPhone5 found, this device back strong scratch resistance, let alone its edge.

When the jury is still controversial endlessly like Steve Jobs, Kyle Wiens, said he was "fan" design of the wear resistance of the Apple device.

"This is the one you have more than one mobile phone, it is becoming more distinctive." Kyle Wiens to say.

2 条评论:

  1. Hi,
    Iam thinking of asking for the iphone5 for my birthday, i was told they were launching it in July. I really want an iphone now though. So im asking, what does the iphone5 have the the iphone4s doesnt. is it worth te wait, or should i just go head and get the iphone4s.
    Thank you!
    iPhone repair Richardson

  2. How long does it take to get a mac repairss done at an Apple store?
    I need to take my macbook to a town thats 5 hours from where I live because that's the closest Apple store....Do you think they can fix it in the same day? Anyone know from experience? The repair is basically putting in a new keyboard. THANKS!!
