When Apple announced the iPad family has sold more than 1 million units, Microsoft belatedly into the tablet market. Perhaps we think that the success of the PC platform in the mobile market, Microsoft lost forward momentum, but the executive Craig Mundie of Microsoft's development department, told Spiegel interview that is not the case. "We could have launched in 2007 a comparable U.S. iPhone smartphone, cyber crime rampage, focus only tend to the safety and maintenance of the system." Craig Mundie stunned the world.
"My answer is that we have a music player before the iPod, before an iPad touch devices, there was in the mobile space is also a leader, so we do not lack the foresight problem is that, when we do not have enoughresources to strengthen these products. Unfortunately, Apple introduced the iPhone, we left behind. "
"During that time, the Windows segment difficult period, rampant cyber crime, the focus of our work and resources can only be transferred to the security maintenance., You know, a decade ago, Microsoft is the only one with sufficient influence the become the hackers target company in the world. "
Mundie such is reasonable to admit that, but the reality is that Microsoft is now in the mobile space has become an out-and-out to catch up with typical, such as the Zune and WP7. The revolution is not successful, Microsoft needs to be done, in the end can not be one-third of the world, and to see this generation WP8 whether to force the.