Near September, the rumors about Apple's new products is also increasing. Recently, media 9to5Mac both outgoing and Daring Fireball about Apple 7.85 inches iPad Mini-related rumors. The rumors that the ipad Mini is more like oversized iphone instead of a trumpet ipad. This means that the iPad Mini display four weeks of the border is no longer a uniform size, but with the iphone with the same up and down the wide, about the distance of the border is a lot of the narrow design.
The following are the 9to5Mac site according to various sources, iPad Mini imaginary figure, it was revealed that Apple's closely related to John Gruber, ipad Mini will also ipad screen and now the same 4:3 size, but it is the overall the apparent size change is most likely to both sides of the narrow.
Actually think is ipad before the larger, often need both hands clutching the thumb resting on the above. Can be manipulated like the iPhone with one hand, the thumb is do not take on the screen, narrow design seems more reasonable.