
Motorola sued Apple suddenly infringement require the United States banned the import of iPhone

Samsung and Apple patent dispute case smoke has not dispersed, one hand Motorola's new lawsuit, asking the court to issue a U.S. import ban on Apple products.

According to the Wall Street Journal reports, Motorola accused Apple violated its patents, and said in a statement, Apple did not intend to "resolve patent license issues, in order to protect the innovations of their own engineers, they can only choose to go the legal way to resolve the matter. Motorola hopes court injunction to Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch products.

Bloomberg said, Motorola allegations mentioned in the patent include voice navigation software Siri, which involves covering location reminded mail notification and call, video player "patent.

Motorola Mobile recently announced the layoffs of 4,000 people, of which only China, there are as many as 1,000 people on Friday, was laid off employees in Motorola Beijing in front of the building to protest. Even so, the poor condition of the Motorola or act as Google's thugs, the apple one bite at a critical moment.

